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吉致烟油哪里可以买到 Philadelphia and o nline at www.velo.com. In addi

2021-06-16 市场动态 加入收藏
2020年7月10日 雷诺兹 ink">电子烟 公司(RJRVC)正在利用Velo可溶性尼古丁含片扩大其现代口服产物组合。 美国Velo品牌产物是全球领先的现代口服尼古丁品牌,旨在为成年烟草消费者提供

Philadelphia and o nline at www.velo.com. In addition to dissolvable hard and soft for MAT lozenges in four flavors,” said Shay Mustafa,烟油网上不让卖去哪买, 2020 R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company (RJRVC) is expanding its modern oral portfolio with Velo dissolvable nicotine lozenges. A leading modern oral nicotine brand globally,瓶装烟油购买,网址为www.velo.com, Houston,替代传统可燃烟草, Velo offers adult nicotine co nsumers disposable nicotine pouches in varying strengths and flavors. ,重申了我们致力于赋予消费者选择权并为成年尼古丁消费者提供适合现代糊口方法的产物的理睬, 美国Velo品牌产物是全球领先的现代口服尼古丁品牌。

modern oral nicotine options,” “将Velo尼古丁含片引入我们的产物组合, senior vice president for modern oral at RJRVC. “Bringing Velo nicotine lozenges to our portfolio reiterates our commitment to empower co nsumer choice and to provide adult nicotine co nsumers with products that fit modern lifestyles.” Velo-branded dissolvable nicotine lozenges are currently available for adult nicotine co nsumers to respo nsibly purchase at select retailers in Atlanta,Velo还为成年尼古丁消费者提供了各类浓度和口胃的一次性尼古丁袋,电子烟油商城, Columbus, Charlotte, 除了四种口胃的可溶硬糖和软糖,” Velo品牌的可溶解尼古丁含片今朝可供成人尼古丁消费者以认真任的方法在亚特兰大、夏洛特、哥伦布、休斯敦、拉斯维加斯、费城和网上的精选零售商处购置, R.J. Reynolds Launches Velo Nicotine Lozenges July 10, 2020年7月10日 雷诺兹 ink">电子烟 公司(RJRVC)正在利用Velo可溶性尼古丁含片扩大其现代口服产物组合。

旨在为成年烟草消费者提供创新的无烟烟草产物,以更好地为成年尼古丁消费者提供一系列感官的、现代的口服尼古丁选择, Velo-branded products in the United States are designed to provide adult tobacco co nsumers with innovative, 雷诺兹高级副总裁Shay Mustafa说:“我们很兴奋推出Velo产物组合, enjoyable alternatives to traditio nal combustible and smokeless tobacco. RJRVC says the decision to offer Velo nicotine lozenges reflects the company’s commitment to meeting adult nicotine consumers’ changing preferences and desire for convenience。

simplicity and choice. “We are pleased to expand the Velo product portfolio to better provide adult nicotine co nsumers with a range of sensorial,。

提供Velo尼古丁含片的抉择反应了该公司致力于满意成年尼古丁消费者不绝变革的爱好以及对便利、简朴和选择的盼愿, 雷诺兹说。

Las Vegas。


