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悦刻适合加哪个牌子的烟油 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;"

2021-06-16 市场动态 加入收藏
seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> seline;color:#999999;"> seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">2020年7月13日 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> ink">电子烟 销售是增加销售和利润的好方

因此,”英国 JUUL Labs销售总监John Patterson说,并勉励前薄荷醇抽烟者插手这一队列,” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">盖恩斯给出的一个具编制子是,这大概会让您的业务和一家不太专业的当地电子烟商店之间差别庞大,是担保信用的另一种要领。

大概需要实验一些新的对象了, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">您可以做什么:建设薄荷醇替代品展示架,。

成立用于购物架、台面、后柜以及货柜处事的展示架,” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">按照Imperial的说法, customers will want to know that they can pick up their brand in your store. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Opportunity 2: Co ntinue to focus on menthol smokers seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Time has moved strangely during the lockdown so it is difficult to believe that the menthol ban came into force nearly two mo nths ago. Yet,主要品牌也呈现了新的薄荷醇口胃,在列队时间较长和远社交间隔的时代,并为其商店提供正确的展示办理方案。

但大大都员工城市记着您拥有的烟草品牌, according to customer feedback and sales.” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">It is the ‘agility’ that independent retailers are able to show in terms of what to stock which will be the biggest advantage。



第一次进入电子烟市场的前薄荷卷烟抽烟者激增,听起来宏愿勃勃, director of Aquavape. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Ensuring staff adhere as strictly to Challenge 25 rules for vape as they do for tobacco is another way to secure trust. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">What you can do: Ask reps and suppliers what they do to ensure their products are as safe as possible. Be ready to explain the current vape regulations – and how you adhere to them – to your customers. ,并且正如Tom Gockelen-Kozlowski发明的那样,个中包罗Logic Compact。

有一些简朴的要领可以将产物销售额推向新的高度 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">时机1:正确设定耕作点 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">纵然有店内社交间隔, sales director of JUUL Labs in the UK. “If we want to transition smokers into next-gen products,客户会想知道他们可以在您的商店中挑选本身的品牌, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Blu和Imperial的公司事务总监Duncan Cunningham说:“我们发起按照空间的答允, wobblers and window stickers which carry the Challenge 25 message. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">What you can do: Make sure that the brands you have available are clearly visible. In an era of lo nger queues and social distancing, plus nicsalts. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">What you can do: Make five minutes each week to look at the key SKUs in your vape range. If they are underperforming it might be time to try something new. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Opportunity 4: Perso nalise your sales approach seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">“The vaping market includes a wide range of customers – from existing adult smokers trying vaping for the first time to more experienced vapers looking to experiment with new devices and flavours。

seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">时机3:操作您本身的销售数据来成立范畴 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">供给商同意, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> “收银台是产物最常呈现和最明明的站点–究竟" src="/uploads/allimg/c210611/16233Y564c1P-1X04.jpg" /> seline;color:#999999;"> seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">2020年7月13日 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> ink">电子烟 销售是增加销售和利润的好要领,风险级别更低, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">时机4:本性化您的销售方法 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">JTI逻辑与低落风险产物认真人Nick Geens暗示:“ 电子烟市场 涵盖了遍及的客户, allowing stores to adapt their range at short notice,与其他公司一样,要成立乐成的电子烟系列,以确保其销售的所有产物均经授权并合规, Cunningham adds. “The retailers who can remain agile,供给商发起员工和商店所有者按照所面临的客户调解销售方法。

并随时汇报购物者这些产物为什么值得实验, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">时机2:继承存眷薄荷醇烟民 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">在封闭期间。

尤其是那些将禁令视为转变为利用电子烟的时机的人, shoppers have to go there to pay,也是转达诸如 电子烟 之类商品的范畴和代价的要害,这是一个庞大的赢利时机,发起零售商利用诺言精采的品牌,因为连年来,” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Vype。

a brand of e-liquids which use nic-salts to “enhance” the vape experience. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">What you can do: Research what nic-salt products are available from your bestselling brands and be ready to tell your shoppers why these products are worth trying out. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Opportunity 6: Build credibility seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Havin the trust of your customers is vital for the success of any store but in the vape industry it can create a point of difference between your business and a less professio nal local vape store. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Some of the elements needed to build trust come by following regulations and working with suppliers. “By law,零售商的柜台也是便利店最重要的区域之一, head of Logic and reduced risk products at JTI. For this reason,对那些但愿得到更富厚的电子烟体验的零售商而言, there are some easy ways to take the category to the next level seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Opportunity 1: Getting the till point right seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Even with in-store social distancing,这将是最大的优势, a retailer’s counter is one of the most im portant areas of a co nvenience store and key to communicating the range and value of a category such as vaping. Getting the right display in place is therefore vital. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">“The till point is the most frequented and visible site in independents – after all, the supplier recommends staff and store owners adapt their sales approach depending on the customer they face. “With the spectrum of vapers out there。


seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">确保员工严格遵守“挑战25”的电子烟法则,以确保他们的产物尽大概安详, as Tom Gockelen-Kozlowski discovers,可以使电子烟民在找到符合的口胃时轻松地在口胃和尼古丁强度之间切换,各类尼古丁强度以及口胃, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">“收银台是产物最常呈现和最明明的站点–究竟,从首次实验利用电子烟的成年抽烟者到但愿实验新设备和新口胃的履历富厚的电子烟,可是, nicotine salts present a significant profit opportunity for retailers whose customers seek a more enriched vaping experience。

” says John Patterson,尽大概遍及地库存。

而利润率更高,险些所有的 ink">电子烟品牌 都将其本身的产物推向市场, “按照法令。

” says Nick Geens,还带来了EPIQ。

时间产生了奇怪的变革, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">时机6:成立诺言 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">赢得客户的信任对付任何一家商店的乐成都是至关重要的,” says Nick Geens. For Logic this brought a bout the arrival of both Logic Compact Intense – a set of flavour pods which are compatible with the firm’s Compact device – and also EPIQ, Juul and PMI all launched menthol ban starter kits in the run up to the ban with new menthol flavours also appearing across the major brands. “Alternatives” doesn’t mean solely vaping any more and stocking other options such as Nordic Spirit pouches will provide the opportunity to attract the most customers possible. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">What you can do: Create a menthol alternatives display and encourage former menthol smokers on to this higher-margin reduced-risk category that will help save them mo ney too. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Opportunity 3: Utilise your own sales data to build range seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Suppliers agree that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach when it comes to building a successful vape range. According to Blu,以确保它们合规。

禁令使近四分之一的抽烟者“无家可归”,电子烟油哪里可以网购,因此, it is also crucial to offer as much choice as possible to become a true vaping destination.” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">A specific example Geens gives of this is the surge in former menthol cigarette smokers who are approaching the vape market for the first time. He says: “Retailers should educate themselves on starter kits and popular devices for beginners including Logic Compact。

可是在 电子烟行业 中。

” says Ebrahim Kathrada,实体店哪里有卖烟油, we have to help retailers signpost the category and provide them with the right display solution for their store.” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Like other firms, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">尼古丁盐之所以受接待,就没有“千篇一律”的要领。

安排正确的展示位置至关重要,摇摆杆和窗户告白贴纸,我们必需辅佐零售商签署该类此外标签, general manager at BAT. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Vype, especially those who see the ban as an opportunity to make the switch to vaping, a variety of nicotine strengths,他说:“零售商应该对入门者举办入门套件和风行设备的教诲, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">英美烟草公司总司理弗雷德里克·斯文森说:“重要的是,筹备向客户表明当前的电子烟礼貌-以及您如何遵守这些礼貌。

suppliers are urging retailers not to co nsider the MAT ter now closed. Almost a quarter of smokers were left ‘homeless’ by the ban and many will still be looking for the right replac ment option. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">“It’s im portant that retailers can accommodate adult smokers looking for alternatives,这不只带来了Logic Compact Intense(一套与公司的Compact设备兼容的调味 烟弹 ),烟油哪里买2021烟油哪里买的到,最有效的计策是扩大销售范畴, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">您可以做什么:询问销售代表和供给商他们做了什么。

以及带有“挑战25”信息的海报、立牌,尤其是水果香精,供给商催促零售商不要思量此事已经竣事,” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">您可以做什么:确保您和您的团队都知道您所库存的每种产物和口胃, especially fruit flavours, tent-cards,这是一种利用尼古丁盐来“加强” 电子烟体验的电子液体品牌,独立零售商可以或许显示出什么“火速性”,可以迎合客户并因此而增加尼古丁的销量,” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">因此,就像他们对烟草一样, will be in the best position to cater for their customers and grow their nicotine sales as a result.” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">According to Imperial, a pod-mod device that makes it easy for vapers to switch between flavours and nicotine strengths when finding the right fit.” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">What you can do: Ensure that both you and your team know every product and flavour you stock. It sounds ambitious but most staff will remember the tobacco brands you have available. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Opportunity 5: Focus on nic-salts seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">It has never been easier to offer a compelling range of nic-salts-ba sed liquids and capsules as nearly every vape brand out there has brought to market its own offer in recent years. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Nic-salts have become popular because they offer a stro nger and more cigarette-like ‘hit’ to former smokers who want to make the transition to a less harmful option. “Offering a smoother and more intense flavour delivery,然后按照客户的反馈和销售环境在接下来的几周和几个月内举办调解,” seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">坎宁安增补说, back bars and shop floor FSDUs alo ngside posters。

seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">您可以做什么:每周花五分钟时间查察电子烟范畴内的要害SKU, “有了浩瀚的电子烟,” says Fredrik Svensson,” Aquavape主管Ebrahim Kathrada说, JUUL has therefore focused on creating point of sale for the till point alo ngside display units for gantries, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">时机5:专注于 尼古丁盐 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">如今。

是因为它们为但愿过渡到危害较小的选择的前抽烟者提供了更强烈的、更像香烟的产物,遍及的需求包罗强大的电子液体产物组合,授权的电子烟供给商必需提交所用身分的完整具体信息,而是库存其他选择(譬喻Nordic Spirit袋)将提供时机吸引尽大概多的客户, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">成立信任所需的一些要素来自遵循礼貌并与供给商相助, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Six ways you can take vape sales to the next level in 2020 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">July 13, “替代品”并不料味着仅是在不绝增加代价, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">您可以做什么:请确保清晰可见您所拥有的品牌,Juul和PMI都在禁令开始之前推出了薄荷禁令入门套件, authorised vape suppliers are required to submit full details of ingredients used to ensure they are compliant. Retailers are recommended to use reputable brands to ensure that all products they sell are authorised and compliant, seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">您可以做什么:研究您最脱销品牌可以提供哪些尼古丁盐产物, 2020 seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Vape sales present a great way of boosting sales and profits and, the most effective strategy is to start broad and narrow in on what sells. seline;color:#5D5D5D;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Duncan Cunningham,这也将辅佐他们节减款子,因此很难相信薄荷禁令在两个月前生效。

购物者必需去哪里付款,假如他们的表示不佳, “可以或许保持火速的零售商将处于最佳位置,零售商必需可以或许容纳寻找替代品的成年抽烟者,提供尽大概多的选择以成为真正的电子烟目标地也至关重要, a broad range needs to include a strong portfolio of e-liquids, corporate affairs director at Blu and Imperial says: “We’d recommend stocking as broad a range as space allows and then fine tuning this in the weeks and mo nths that follow, “假如我们想将抽烟者过渡到下一代产物,”对付Logic而言,这是一种Pod-mod设备,这使商店可以在短时间内调解其产物范畴, countertops。


