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2022-02-28 悦刻电子烟 加入收藏
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目前已经整理完成,特别是口味推荐系列,几个品牌的所有口味邀请多人品尝,男女在口感上还是有差异的,有不少朋友都反馈说,口味推荐的非常的赞,而且价格方面,性价比很高!想了解这些信息的朋友可以加我的  (长按复制添加,未成年人禁加!)

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In the golden autumn season, smell the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus again. The sweet-scented osmanthus floating in the wind often rushes into the nose, which makes people feel refreshed. The song "August osmanthus blossoms everywhere, the bright red flags stand upright, the lanterns and the colorful, the lanterns and the colorful......" The song seemed to ring in my ears again, reminding me of the tall and tall ones in my hometown. osmanthus tree.

When I was young, when the osmanthus blossoms were in full bloom, the adults in the family climbed up the tall osmanthus trees. We children stood under the tree and held the plastic film with our hands. When the adults shook it gently, the golden osmanthus flowers were like raindrops. When it fell, our child raised his little hand while picking up the falling osmanthus, stomping and shouting, "Its raining! The fragrant osmanthus rain!" The scene of the fragrant osmanthus flying from the tree like a heavy rain made me unforgettable. Now I am wandering outside and think of the osmanthus flowers falling down and down. It is not only the osmanthus flowers that fall, but a deep sentimental thought. I remember a philosopher once chanted: "How can there be pride like the old days, and the flowers bloom and fall." Two reasons.

Throughout the ages, many poets chanted poems to describe osmanthus. The series of myths such as Zeng Ge Change Flying to the Moon and Wu Gangs Path to the Osmanthus have become people’s post-dinner talks. It is the osmanthus tree that connects them together. Osmanthus has become a "fairy tree". Song Dynasty Han Zicangs poem: "A guest in the moon used to divide the seeds, and there is no flower in the world who dares to fight for incense." Li Qingzhao called the sweet-scented osmanthus tree "it is the best among the flowers." When the breeze of golden autumn sends strands of fragrance, we will find the sweet-scented osmanthus blooming, and the golden flowers are dancing in the breeze, and the refreshing fragrance is floating thousands of miles, stretching in the golden In the season when the wind is so cool, it often makes people think about it. Some people describe the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus as: “The breeze comes to the sky one day, and the ambergris in the world dare not fragrant.” So people gave the sweet-scented osmanthus a name called "Julixiang". When the sweet-scented osmanthus is in full bloom, the rich fragrance, "blindly annoying fragrance", is heart-warming and refreshing. There is also a hint of sweetness in the fragrance, which makes people smell it for a long time. Osmanthus is known as "the sky is fragrant and the clouds are floating outside." Put a handful of fresh sweet-scented osmanthus into the teacup, immediately rush into the hot boiling water and cover the lid for a while, open the lid, a layer of golden yellow flowers floating in the water is really beautiful, the water is clear and translucent, but the sweetness of sweet-scented osmanthus is revealed. Osmanthus tea has become the best hospitality tea in my hometown.

"The osmanthus flowers fall at leisure, the spring mountains and sky are quiet at night. The moon rises to startle the mountains and the birds are screaming in the spring stream." With an impulsive feeling, I want to approach it, appreciate its beauty, and smell its fragrance.

I like the osmanthus osmanthus that contains but does not reveal, hides but does not appear, the flowers are hidden among the leaves, and the fragrance and fragrance are all around the chic and elegant temperament. I don’t win with gorgeous colors or charming charm. It always silently, In the fall of each year, dedicate its charming fragrance.



