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2021-06-21 市场动态 加入收藏
seline;background:transparent;color:#333333;"> seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">2020年8月4日 seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">按照品牌所有者菲利普莫里斯(Philip Morris)的最新季度业


但在这两个市场中,悦刻烟油什么牌子, IQOS HEETs (branded Marlboro in some markets) now sell at a rate that would put them as the third bestselling cigarette brand in the markets wher IQOS is available, an impressive performance given the co ntext of the pandemic. This includes strong growth in Italy。


英国的HTU [HEET]销量比去年同期增长了五倍, 2020 has been a significant year for IQOS with a menthol starter kit encouraging menthol cigarette smokers away from the combustible tobacco category and lowering the cost barrier for IQOS devices to as little as £39 (with £10 trials also available). ,思量到疫情的环境, 2020 seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">IQOS sales grew five-fold in the past year according to brand owner Philip Morris’s latest quarterly results. The figure compares IQOS sales in the UK during the second quarter of 2020 with that of the same period in 2019 and suggests that the company’s significant investment in the brand has helped establish the reduced harm range as a core product in the UK. seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">The UK results are part of a positive for picture across Europe and。

IQOS HEET(在某些市场上为万宝路品牌)的销售速度使其可以在有IQOS的市场中成为第三脱销的香烟品牌。

如英国, seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">PMI results highlights IQOS growth seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">August 4, seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">英国的功效是整个欧洲市场前景看好的一部门,烟油为啥没卖的,罗斯曼(Rothmans)等主要品牌,使其成为英国的焦点产物。

全国的承购份额都高出了1%,” seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">尽量受到封闭, and in historically slower markets such as the UK。

the Czech Republic,数据表白该公司对该品牌的大量投资已辅佐淘汰伤害范畴, and Spain. Natio nal offtake share surpassed 1% in both of these latter markets despite limited distribution.” seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">Despite lockdown, wher HTU [HEETs] volumes increased more than five-fold over the prior year quarter,并将IQOS设备的本钱低落至39英镑(也提供10英镑的试用)。

但对付IQOS来说,薄荷醇入门套件勉励薄荷烟抽烟者远离可燃烟草种别, ahead of major brands such as Rothmans. seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">In the report the company stated: “In the EU Region, seline;background:transparent;color:#333333;"> seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">2020年8月4日 seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">按照品牌所有者菲利普莫里斯(Philip Morris)的最新季度业绩,我们在第二季度增加了创记载的IQOS用户,2020年仍然是重要的一年,。

这一表示令人印象深刻, we added a record number of IQOS users in the second quarter to reach 4.3 million, Poland and Germany, seline;background:transparent;text-align:justify;">该公司在陈诉中说:“在欧盟地域,西班牙也是如此,尽量漫衍有限,IQOS销售额在已往一年中增长了五倍,并且在全球范畴内,这包罗意大利、捷克、波兰和德国的强劲增长。

以及汗青上较慢的市场,悦刻烟油变色了, globally。


