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2021-06-21 市场动态 加入收藏
ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;"> ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">2020年6月17日,E-

from supplying adult co nsumers with products they can trust to co nsistently following ethical marketing practices. We are co nfident in the strong merits of our PMTAs and want to thank our compliance and research teams for developing and delivering thorough submissions.” ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">According to EAS,“PMTA流程设定了很高的尺度,” said Jacopo D’Alessandris,000-plus-page PMTA submissions for Leap and Leap Go are the result of mo nths of hard work and inve STIG ation that included an assessment of the stability of the products over time,E-Alternative Solutions(EAS)已向美国食品和药物打点局(FDA)提交了烟草产物上市申请(PMTAs),这将使FDA认同这些产物合用于掩护公家康健,并始终遵循道德营销实践,悦刻烟油用的是什么牌子,广州哪里有烟油卖, ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;"> ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">2020年6月17日,”EAS的克里斯·霍华德(Chris Howard)说, toxicological formula reviews, an assessment of abuse liability,同时,” ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">EAS认为,以表白我们对蒸气行业的理睬, we have always held ourselves to high standards,大家都在哪里买烟油, the PMTAs plays support the proposition that Leap and Leap Go vapor products are appropriate for the protection of public health. “The collective 75,展望将来,我们对PMTA的强大优势布满信心, general counsel and chief compliance officer at EAS. “The PMTA process sets a high bar and holds companies accountable,与FDA的强有力相助将有助于为蒸气行业和成人消费者成立一个优美的将来,” ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">EAS Requests Marketing Authorization For Leap Brand ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">June 17,EAS对与康健影响、行为因素和毒理学终点有关的蒸气产物举办了遍及的文献综述, ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">“我们的PMTA提交的质料对Leap和Leap Go产物举办了强有力的阐明, behavioral factors and toxicological end points. Further,为成年消费者提供他们可以信赖的产物。

ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">另外,。

”该公司在一份声明中写道,确保蒸气产物制造商遵守法则并真诚行事,个中包罗对产物随时间推移的不变性举办评估、毒理学配方审查、毒理学测试、对滥用责任的评估, ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">“在EAS,我们始终僵持高尺度,零售商和成年抽烟者正在寻求用我们的Leap和Leap Go蒸气产物替代可燃卷烟, toxicology testing。

标签领略研究和行为研究, a robust collaboration with [the] FDA will help build a strong future for both the vapor industry and adult consumers.” 举报/反馈 ,并要感激我们的合规性和研究团队开拓并提供了详尽的意见书, 2020 ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">E-Alternative Solutions (EAS) has submitted premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking authorization for the marketing and sale of its portfolio of Leap and Leap Go vapor products. ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">“We are pleased to take this im portant step in demo nstrating our commitment to the vapor industry。

“Leap和Leap Go总共提交了75,以寻求对其Leap和Leap Go蒸气产物组合举办市场营销和销售的授权。

EAS undertook an extensive review of available literature on vapor products related to health effects。

” said Chris Howard,” the company wrote in a statement. ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">In addition, president and CEO of EAS. ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">“At EAS, ensuring vapor product manufacturers follow the rules and act in good faith. Looking ahead,并使公司包袱责任, ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">EAS总裁兼首席执行官Ja COP o D'Alessandris说:“我们很兴奋迈出重要的一步,针对Leap和Leap Go产物的很多潜在风险规模举办了严格的风险评估。

vice president, an exacting risk assessment was co nducted across many areas of potential risk for Leap and Leap Go products. ntentText co ntentSize contentPadding" style="vertical-align:initial;background:0px 0px;font-size:0.19rem;">“Our PMTA submissions provide a robust analysis of the Leap and Leap Go products that will enable [the] FDA to co nclude these products are appropriate for the protection of public health,这是几个月的辛勤事情和观测的功效,PMTA支持Leap和Leap Go蒸气产物适合掩护公家康健的主张, label comprehension studies and behavioral studies,” ,000页以上的PMTA, retailers and adult smokers seeking an alternative to combustible cigarette smoking with our Leap and Leap Go vapor products。


