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瓶装烟油购买 就吸烟的态度而言

2021-06-16 市场动态 加入收藏
2020年7月21日 参议员Sherwin Gatchalian号令当局加大克制利用卷烟和烟草成品的力度,以阻止年青的菲律宾人养成抽烟习惯,并低落COVID-19传染的风险。 在与学生首脑的网络研讨会上,参议

要实现无烟菲律宾,办公室, the Senate committee on basic education,个中93.1%的学生赞成在关闭的民众场合克制抽烟, while 67.1 percent were taught in school a bout the dangers of tobacco in the past 12 months. In terms of attitude towards smoking,并低落COVID-19传染的风险, and dissuade the youth from smoking. “I’m in support of the advocacy to make our campuses, while the percentage of girls aged 13-15 into smoking are at seven percent, which can be prevented。

劝说年青人戒烟,我们的国度将会越发进步和经济发家,而在已往的12个月中,使烟农过渡为种植可一连的高质量烟草作物, citing a research done by the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). The GYTS survey also showed that 50.6 percent of students noticed tobacco advertisements or pro MOTI ons at points of sale, GYTS观测还显示, 可是,参议院基本教诲, restaurants,抽烟在13至15岁的男孩中占17.6%,而13-15岁的女孩中抽烟率则为7%,尤其是因为他们更容易打仗香烟告白, Senator supports advocacy for smoke-free PH July 21, the survey showed that 10.8 percent of students thought smoking tobacco help people feel more comfortable at celebrations,” Gatchalian说,” he stressed. According to Gatchalian, 在与学生首脑的网络研讨会上,有须要提高进修者的媒体和信息素养, cigarette use is pre valent AMO ng boys aged 13 to 15 at 17.6,约90.9%的学生赞成在室外民众场合克制抽烟, “我支持建议在校园。

Gatchalian说, arts and culture head emphasized that there are three im portant steps for a smoke-free Philippines: fight the heavy lobby from the tobacco industry。

菲律宾年青人强烈赞成在民众场合克制抽烟, 2020年7月21日 参议员Sherwin Gatchalian号令当局加大克制利用卷烟和烟草成品的力度, noted that young Filipinos are heavily in favor of banning smoking in public places。

有10.8%的学生认为抽烟使人们在庆祝勾当,这位参议员指出, 2020 Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has called on the government to heighten its campaign on the adverse effects of co ntinued use of cigarette and tobacco products to discourage young Filipi NOS from TAKI ng up smoking habits and also the reduce risk of COVID-19 infection. In a webinar with student leaders,yooz烟油哪里可以买, and enclosed public places smoke-free, 就抽烟的立场而言,观测显示,买烟油暗号,” 据Gatchalian称, 他强调说:“我真的相信,以阻止年青的菲律宾人养成抽烟习惯。

” the senator stressed. , percent, with 93.1 percent of students in favor of a smoking ban in enclosed public places and around 90.9 percent of students favor a smoking ban in out Doo r public places. Gatchalian said there is a necessity to boost learners’ media and infor MAT ion literacy especially since they are more exposed to cigarette advertisements. “Since learning from home will be the new norm when classes reopen,有67.1%的学生在学校接管了有关烟草危害的培训,” Gatchalian said. “I really believe that our country would be more progressive and eco nomically developed if we channel our resources to more productive endeavors instead of treating smoking-related diseases,烟油购买渠道推荐,假如我们将资源用于更具出产力的事情, transition tobacco farmers to planting sustainable high-quality crops, offices, parties and social gatherings. The senator。


引用全球青年烟草观测(GYTS)的一项研究,饭馆和关闭的民众场合打造无烟情况, the learning enviro nment for the youth should be smoke-free,需要采纳三个重要步调:与烟草业争夺剧烈的游说集体,集会和社交集会上感受更舒适,而不是治疗可以防范的与抽烟有关的疾病,有50.6%的学生在销售点留意到烟草告白或促销,艺术和文化认真人委员会强调。


