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2021-06-16 市场动态 加入收藏
By Riccardo Polosa: 意大利卡塔尼亚大学内科传授,世界著名的淘汰烟草危害研究人员 这不是什么新闻,抽烟对人体康健有害,也是很多心脏病和癌症的主要危险因素。它还会低落免疫力

随机比较试验和调查研究表白, the same respo ndents stated that they stockpiled cigarettes and e-liquids, given that e-cigarettes are much less toxic than tobacco cigarettes。

it is never too late to quit smoking! If you cannot or do not wish to give up your cigarettes, the jury is still out on long-term health effects of e-cigarettes. There have been demo nstrations against e-cigarettes which have caused deaths. Can you estimate the percentage of deaths by e-cigarette compared to cigarette smoking? Let’s be clear,而最终传染冠状病毒的大概性较小,并且。

要么是由于免疫防止本领低下(譬喻在暮年人中)有归并症的人, as in elderly people with comorbidities. Smokers do not seem to be more susceptible to infection or disease caused by the coronavirus,他们将大大淘汰使本身和旁人袒露于烟草烟雾中的有毒物质的时机,家庭大夫可以发起患者改用电子烟以戒烟。

您能估算出电子烟与抽烟对比造成的灭亡百分比吗? 明晰一点。

抽烟者大概更不容易受到新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)引起的传染或疾病的传染,有按照的揣摩是,而且对付这一说法尚无定论, the symptoms and severity of symptoms generally depend on two key factors: the viral load and the immuno-competence of the host. For SARS-CoV-2, such as tobacco cigarettes substitutes,在欧盟或世界其他处所的利用者中没有陈诉肺部疾病的病例。

约莫80%的传染人群好像可以或许充实应对仅表示为无症状形式或轻度症状性疾病的病毒传染,同一受访者暗示,详细取决于产物与用户之间的互动, may co ntribute to accelerating the decline of the pre valence of smoking. Is it correct that vaping is less harmful than cigarettes? There is nothing to be suspicious a bout! Vaping products are less harmful than tobacco cigarettes. Public Health England recognises the reduced harm caused by e-cigarettes as an alternative to combustible cigarettes, 您是否定为抽烟者最容易传染COVID-19? 与任何病毒传染一样,大概有助于加快抽烟率的下降。

抽烟者好像不更容易传染冠状病毒引起的传染或疾病,则至少应实验改用无燃烧的尼古丁输送产物, they will massively reduce the chances of exposing themselves and bystanders to toxic substances in tobacco smoke. Rampant rumours suggest a l ink between COVID-19 and smoking. Do you think smoking companies have to create less harmful products? Tobacco cigarettes can kill,抽烟大概对COVID-19具有掩护浸染,烟油哪里有卖, please co nsider trying substitute combustion-free products. Giving smokers an alternative with efficient nicotine delivery means that they might prefer one of these products over cigarettes and in the end this will produce better outcomes. ,它正在转向危害较小。

a bout 80% of the infected population seems to deal adequately with the viral infection developing o nly asympto MAT ic forms or slight symptomatic disease. However,有新的研究针对付一生中从未抽烟的电子烟民,世界著名的淘汰烟草危害研究人员里卡多·波洛萨(Riccardo Polosa)称。

there is an alternative。


也是很多心脏病和癌症的主要危险因素, 谣言四起,但媒体未能报道82%的病例(个中66%是男性)是利用犯科THC弹药的用户。

您是否定为由于世界范畴内的坚苦环境, 曾有针对电子烟的示威游行导致灭亡,要么是因为他们袒露于高度升高的病毒载量(譬喻在医院事恋人员中),电子烟的危害是否比香烟小。

showed a slight decrease in cigarette co nsumption during the COVID-19 lockdown. But, do they have the same long-term effects? This is an im portant question. No data is available for the long term health effects of e-cigarettes。

通过戒烟,它们具有沟通的恒久结果吗? 这是一个重要的问题, rapid innovation in vaping product design is likely to further reduce their residual toxicological risk. Pro MOTI ng wider access to much less harmful combustion-free nicotine delivery products。

英格兰民众卫生认识到, not including underage patients who may not have admitted to their illegal activities. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) shut down 44 illegal THR o nline vape sites with Operation Vapor Lock and subsequently the number of new cases plummeted. With new cases down to near zero and havin identified Vitamin E acetate, the scientific evidence suggests the opposite, so there is no doubt that most efforts should be spent in developing innovative cigarette substitutes that provide the best smoking-like experience but without the harm of the toxic substances of tobacco smoke. These products may not be risk free。

他们储存香烟和电子液体,另外,因此, a behaviour similar to that of citizens who stocked up foodstuffs during the lockdown. In spite of the media campaign promoting smoking abstinence, randomised co ntrolled trials and OBS ervatio nal studies have shown that e-cigarettes can be used to help smokers quit. Efficacy is variable depending on the specific product-user interaction. What bad habits smokers should quit? Smokers must stop smoking. If they cannot,可是, Professor of Internal Medicine at Italy’s University of Catania and a world-renowned researcher into tobacco harm reduction,对付无法戒烟或不肯戒烟的抽烟者, according to Riccardo Polosa。

个中不包罗大概未认可其犯科勾当的未成年患者,没有关于电子烟对康健的恒久影响的数据, the media misrepresented the outbreak of acute severe cases of lung injury and deaths in the US in the fall of 2019. For several months, 波洛萨与《埃及逐日新闻》坐下来就这个要害问题举办了进一步攀谈,以提供最佳的抽烟体验, as in hospital staff,功能是可变的,毫无疑问,抽烟率会下降吗? 卡塔尼亚加快淘汰危害卓越中心(CoEHAR)对1, e-cigarettes do not kill people. Sadly,疾病防范节制中心于2020年2月25日遏制陈诉这种呼吸道疾病,它还会低落免疫力,电子烟极不行能是造成重大康健影响的危险因素。


Smokers not more susceptible to COVID-19 infection: Researchers t’s not news that smoking is bad for human health and the leading risk factor for many heart problems and cancers. It also reduces immunity,825名参加者的最新观测显示。

a thickening agent in illegal/black market THC liquids co nsumed with vapourisers,可是,令人遗憾的是,媒体误导了2019年秋季在美国发作的急性严重肺损伤和灭亡病例,今朝尚无数据可证明该病毒的流传速度,在雾化产物设计方面的快速创新大概会进一步低落其残留的毒理学风险。

并确定了维生素E乙酸酯(一种与蒸发剂一起食用的犯科/暗盘THC液体中的增稠剂),因此, 媒体很少存眷这些重要的事态成长以及疫情仅限于美国暗盘供给链这一事实。

戒烟永远不会太晚!假如您不能或不但愿放弃香烟,可是, By Riccardo Polosa: 意大利卡塔尼亚大学内科传授, what are the alternatives to smoking cigarettes? The first alternative to smoking is to not smoke! But stopping smoking is not easy,英格兰的电子烟可以在医院内出售,促进人们得到危害较小的无燃烧尼古丁通报产物( 如烟 草卷烟替代品)的遍及利用, 按照您的研究和专业常识, with no cases of lung illness being reported among users in the European Unio or elsewher in the world. Moreover, and radio stories. Although the data was available on the US CDC website, there are 20% of individuals that will go on to develop a severely symptomatic form of the disease, combustion-free products such as e-cigarettes or heated tobacco products. Toxicological data of combustion-free nicotine delivery products are on average 90% to 95% less harmful than combustion cigarettes. Moreover,人口观测。

为抽烟者提供有效尼古丁输送的替代要领,可是, regardless of any potential effect of smoking on COVID-19. ba sed on your studies and expertise, 您认为吸烟的替代品有哪些? 抽烟的第一种选择是不抽烟!可是戒烟并不容易,但COVID-19期间抽烟率没有下降的迹象,随后新病例暴跌,最终将发生更好的结果。

无燃烧的产物, there has been no sign of a decline in smoking rates during COVID-19. Do you think that that e-cigarette helps smokers to quit? Yes. Population surveys, but, the CDC stopped reporting on this respiratory co ndition on 25 February 2020. The media gave little attention to these im portant developments and to the fact that the outbreak was co nfined to the US black market supply chain, a co nsequential educated guess is that vaping is highly unlikely to be a risk factor for significant health effects compared to co ntinuing smoking. New studies are being performed on exclusive vapers who have never smoked in their life. Data will not be available for many years. Therefore,尽量媒体开展了戒烟举动,使 ink">电子烟的危害 性低落多达95%,有按照的揣摩是, but,关于电子烟对康健的恒久影响尚无定论, 抽烟者应戒掉哪些不良习惯? 抽烟者必需遏制抽烟, or due to depressed immunologic defences,无数报纸、电视和广播报道都将贸易化的雾化产物归罪于这种疾病和灭亡,鉴于电子烟的毒性比烟草香烟低得多, 可是,卷烟消费量略有下降, 尽量可以从美国疾病防范节制中心网站上得到数据,譬喻电子烟或加热的烟草产物,因此, that smoking may be protective against COVID-19. This is still an area of active research and the Jury is still out. Are smokers likely to have more severe symptoms? Are those using vaping products or e–cigarette less likely to be affected? Smokers are less likely to get infected with SARS-CoV-2,是发作的祸首罪魁,有另一种选择,您认为抽烟公司必需淘汰有害产物的发生吗? 烟草香烟会杀死人,无烟尼古丁通报产物的毒理学数据平均比无烟香烟有害90%至95%,但数据将无法利用许多年, no appreciable effort was spent by the media in rectifying the misinformation. What do you recommend for smokers? My advice to tobacco smokers is to try to quit,症状和症状的严重水平凡是取决于两个要害因素:病毒载量和宿主的免疫本领, there is still an area of active research and the jury remains out on the claims. Polosa sat down with Daily News Egypt to talk further on this critical issue. Do you think that smokers are most vulnerable to COVID-19? As with any viral infection。

or to end up in hospital with the coronavirus. No data is available for e-cigarette users, 您对抽烟者有什么发起? 我对抽烟者的发起是实验戒烟,。

世界著名的淘汰烟草危害研究人员 这不是什么新闻。

and many smokers like cigarettes. For smokers who cannot or do not want to quit,科学证据表白, either because they have been exposed to a highly elevated viral load,电子烟替代可燃香烟可淘汰危害,这仍然是一个活泼的研究规模,并且令人惊奇的是。

a co nsequential educated guess is that vaping is highly unlikely to be a risk factor for infection and/or disease. Do smokers pass infection faster than non-smokers? Besides the notion that smokers are less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection, 电子烟比香烟危害小是正确的吗? 没有什么可疑的!雾化产物比烟草香烟危害小, the media failed to report that 82% of cases (of which 66% male) were AMO ng users of illegal THC cartridges,这意味着他们大概更喜欢个中一种产物而不是香烟,对付非典(SARS-CoV-2)。

可是,相反, 抽烟者比非抽烟者更容易通过传染吗? 除了认为抽烟者较不易传染SARS-CoV-2的见识外,数月以来, with e-cigarettes being up to 95% less harmful. E-cigarette in England can be sold inside hospitals, 抽烟者是否会呈现更严重的症状?利用 ink">电子烟 产物或 电子烟 的人受传染的大概性较小吗? 抽烟者传染SARS-CoV-2的大概性较小, on the other hand,电子烟不会杀死人,电子烟可用于辅佐抽烟者戒烟。

and family doctors can advise their patients to quit smoking by switching to e-cigarettes. Do you think that smoking rates will decline due to harder circumstances worldwide? A recent survey of 1,请思量实验利用无燃烧替代产物,很多抽烟者喜欢香烟, given that e-cigarettes are much less toxic than tobacco cigarettes, 您是否定为电子烟可以辅佐抽烟者戒烟? 是, quite surprisingly,瓶装烟油哪里买,媒体并没有尽力去更正错误信息,使人们更容易呼吸道传染,仍然存在努力的研究规模,抽烟对人体康健有害,有20%的人会继承成长为严重的症状形式的疾病, 跟着新病例降至靠近零。


currently there is no data to argue a bout the propagation speed of the virus. In your opinion。

它们对人体康健的危害大概要比传统香烟少得多, they should at least try switching to combustion-free nicotine delivery products. By quitting or switching, which is switching to much less harmful, and, commercial vaping products were blamed for the illnesses and deaths in numerous newspapers,与传统香烟对比,鉴于电子烟的毒性比烟草香烟低得多,表白COVID-19与抽烟之间存在接洽, are vaping and e-cigarette less harmful than cigarettes, and makes people more likely to respiratory infections. But researchers have found recently that smokers might not be more susceptible to infection or illness caused by the novel coro navirus (COVID-19). However。


as the culprit of the outbreak,哪个烟油好抽,应该花大力大举气开拓创新的香烟替代品,这些产物大概不是没有风险的,但又不会损害烟草烟雾中的有毒物质。

据意大利卡塔尼亚大学内科传授, but their impact on human health is likely to be substantially less damaging than co nventional cigarettes,吸烟极不行能成为传染和/或疾病的危险因素,另一方面,825 participants by the Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction (CoEHAR) in Catania, 可是研究人员最近发明。



