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电子烟推荐美国招呼克制利用“Juul替代品” –电子烟Puff bar

2021-07-12 市场动态 加入收藏
inkMacSystemFont, font-size:17px;background-color:#FFFFFF;text-align:center;"> inkMacSystemFont, font-size:17px;text-align:justify;background-color:#FFFFFF;">据《纽约时报》报道,美国立法者已要求美国食品药品监视打点


U.S. lawmakers have asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban Puff Bar, an e-cigarette that is quickly replacing Juul as the vape of choice AMOng young people, reports The New York Times.

去年推出的Puff Bar一直是该裂痕的主要受益者。跟踪渠道的数据显示, 自4月以来,Puff Bar的销售额根基一直不变在每周300万美元以上,如今每周的销量高出30万支,ego电子烟官网,个中还不包罗线上销售或电子烟商店。





puff bar是一次性电子烟,可装20多种口胃,包罗果汁朗姆酒和粉红柠檬水口胃。尽量特朗普当局在本年早些时候克制在诸如Juul之类的可再装的电子烟中利用水果、薄荷和甜品口胃,但它并不包罗一次性的电子烟品牌



Calls to Ban ‘Juul Replacement’ Puff Bar

The disposable devices come in more than 20 flavors, including pina colada and pink lemonade. Although the Trump administration banned fruit, mint and dessert flavors in refillable cartridge-based e-cigarettes like Juul earlier this year, it exempted brands that are used once and thrown away.


Juul’s business, by contrast, has shriveled since it restricted sales in the United States to tobacco and menthol varieties last fall. 

当FDA开始禁锢电子烟时,它答允继承销售2016年8月8日之前市场上已有的产物,详细待机构审查。由于Puff Bar是在该日期之后推出的,因此纵然该产物为一次性产物,电子雾化液,纵然FDA无法证明该公司针对的是年青人,该机构也应有权删除它。除非Puff Bar在2016年截至日期之前已经以其他名称或在其他公司出售过。


The exception would be if Puff Bar had already been on the market before the 2016 deadline, under a different name or sold by another company.

When the FDA started regulating e-cigarettes, it permitted the continued sale of products that were on the market as of Aug. 8, 2016, pending agency review. Because Puff Bar was introduced after that date, the agency should have the authority to remove it even though the product is disposable and even if the FDA cannot prove the company is targeting youths.

据《纽约时报》报道,美国立法者已要求美国食品药品监视打点局(FDA)克制利用电子烟PUFF Bar,该电子烟正在迅速代替JUUL,电子小烟批发电话,成为年青人的首选。


Launched last year, Puff Bar has been the key beneficiary of the loophole. based on data used for tracked channels, which exclude online sales or vape shops, Puff Bar sales have consistently been more than $3 million a week since April, with volumes now over 300,000 sticks per week.



